Are you planning to start LinkedIn marketing for your business?
Well, it can be one of your business’s most lucrative marketing strategies for 2024. According to LinkedIn statistics, about 80% of B2B leads come from a LinkedIn platform. That’s not it; 92% of marketers use LinkedIn as a marketing strategy.
LinkedIn posts can strengthen your branding and build your business image and credibility among your readers or connections. Moreover, there are about 310 million Monthly Active Users on Linkedin, making it the perfect place to connect with people who have the same like-minded individuals and to have a better understanding of the industry they are working in.
So, the question is how to make the most of this social media for business in 2024.
That’s why we have compiled these top tricks to help you do personal branding and market your business like never before.
So, stay tuned!
Understanding LinkedIn Marketing
According to research done by Consultancy, LinkedIn is responsible for about 64% of all visits from social media for business.
Well, this means using this platform for your business can be a powerful content strategy. So, let’s understand LinkedIn marketing in a simple and better way.
LinkedIn marketing uses the platform to connect with people of the same domain, generate leads, market your brand, and foster business relationships and partnerships. You can also share content related to your business services and drive traffic to your website.
So, when you think about having a successful business, LinkedIn is one such social media for businesses to expand their network.
Let’s look at the steps to making the best use of LinkedIn marketing to make your business successful before we dive into the importance of using LinkedIn for business.
6 Tips to Craft Effective LinkedIn Messages For My Business?

Are you questioning the effect of LinkedIn marketing on your business?
Well, Hubspot found that LinkedIn is more effective by about 277 percent for generating leads than other social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
Here are some strategies to make the best use of this social media for business. Let’s get started!
1. Personalised Your Message
Imagine you get a text from someone on LinkedIn saying they want to call and talk to you. That would make you think about what is going on. I know you will immediately block him/her.
So, when you are looking to build connection, it is important to personalised your message. What you can do is send them a connection request by drop a message something like this; “Hello Ananya, I came across your profile today and I am impressed by the work or article you have published on( so and so date). Would you be happy to connect?”
Well, here you are giving the crediting for their work through personalised message and telling them that you took time to look into their profile. Moreover, it all comes down to understanding how human psychology works. Everyone wants to feel valued, and you can do so through personalised messages and give them the credit for what they are proud of and give them the option to connect or not.
2. Share Your Own Post for social media for business
Another way to do LinkedIn marketing is by sharing your LinkedIn post about your services or expertise in a particular field. This shows that you are an active LinkedIn user.
Moreover, you can add an option to connect with you for further discussion when you are posting it. This is one of the great ways to maximize your social media for business growth through LinkedIn posts.
3. Send Them an Appreciation Note
Do you start the business talk right away after connecting?
Well, you might want to change that now because LinkedIn’s social media for business works that way! It is because nobody wants to see a marketing or salesy not at the beginning. So, what you can do is once the person or individual you want to connect with have accepted your connection request at least drop them a “thank you” message and letting them know how you appreciate them for connecting with you. Then you can try to connect with what your connection is providing with your services.
What you want to do here is be polite and give the option to get to know you, give credit for their work and seems no salesy because you don’t want to end up being creepy instead you want to build genuine relations.
4. Follow Up Message
What you want to do is drop a follow up message after that. For instance you have sent a message to your connection on the recently posted LinkedIn post on your business profile. Now what you want to do is send a follow up message on that post.
You can drop a message like this!
“Hi Ananya,
I hope you found the post useful. As a (add your position), I help business owners grow their business by providing top-notch solutions for better ROI or to reduce the processing cost by so and so.
I would love to learn how you do and if I can help your business grow by 50% or save the cost by so and so per cent.
So, there is a high chance of getting a response from your connection asking for further details or to connect through a call.
5. Playing By the Rules
Another LinkedIn social media for business rules is to play by the rules. What I meant is building KLT.
Does it sound unfamiliar to you?
Well, we will get in-depth into it. What I meant by KTL is Know, Like and Trust. When you do LinkedIn marketing, you want your audience to know about your business and to Like your brand/products, and to Trust you.
However, if your audience don’t know anything about what your company does or provide and have zero Like about your brand or had like but stopped it and they cannot Trust you then the game of marketing is over.
So, if you are using LinkedIn for business purposes, you want to play by the rules of KTL and win over loyal customers.
6. Response To Your Customer or Connection Messages ASAP
Another pitfall you want to avoid falling into is losing your audience or customers. According to McKinsey reports, about 79% of people expect a response within 24 hours on social media platforms.
So, show your audience or customers that you care about them and are willing to listen to what they say. It is understandable that with so many DMs, it can be hard to reply to all the messages, but do let them know you read their message and are working on it.
One of the effective ways to market your business on social media is by responding to your customers’ messages. Also learn advanced graphic design course with us.
To conclude, using Linked messages is a great way to increase social media for business growth. You can start by posting engaging LinkedIn post, foster meaning conversation with your connection, and build a strong LinkedIn marketing strategies to achieve the power of LinkedIn for business success this 2024.
Moreover, learn how social media marketing is all about and how you acn leverage it to grow your business by enrolling in Digital Marketing Course at H1 Tags Institute in Pitampura.
Also, you may like to read The Best Time To Post On Instagram In 2024!